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Data collection and predictive analysis of volcanic dykes distribution (Continuation)

川村 淳; Jia, H.*; 小泉 由起子*; 丹羽 正和   ; 梅田 浩司*

Kawamura, Makoto; Jia, H.*; Koizumi, Yukiko*; Niwa, Masakazu; Umeda, Koji*


Volcanic dykes were extracted from a geological map of 1 / 200,000 and location information was converted into GIS data. The number of volcanic dykes extracted was 593 in the Chugoku region, 228 in the Shikoku region, and 308 in the Oshima Peninsula in the southern part of Hokkaido. More than half of the major axis lengths of rock veins are less than 1km, and more than 80% including those less than 2km. Some rock veins exceed 10km, but they are distributed around the cauldron. The distribution of quaternary volcanic dykes exposed on the surface of the three areas is limited to within 10km from the quaternary volcano. Regarding the relationship between the quaternary volcano and the dykes older than the quaternary period, it is considered that the relationship is low as a result of examining the relationship such as the distance and the extension direction of the dykes. We also examined the relationship between Neogene-Tertiary volcanic activity and the dykes distributed in the surrounding area. In the case of Ishizuchi Cauldron, it was shown that the maximum distance from the related rock veins was about 5km. On the other hand, it was found that the dykes of the Kibi Plateau in the Chugoku region are distributed within a range of approximately 15km from the central point of activity. Comprehensive information gathering as described above and statistical examination using them are useful as basic information for investigating and evaluating the range of influence of magma in the geological disposal.



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