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Report No.

Correlation between the canisters criticality and activity ratio of short-half-life noble-gas fission products under various fuel debris material compositions

Riyana, E. S.   ; Sakamoto, Masahiro ; Matsumura, Taichi ; Terashima, Kenichi  ; Okumura, Keisuke 

We investigated the possibility of estimating the effective neutron multiplication factor (k$$_{eff}$$) of the fuel-debris canister using remote gas-radioactivity measurement. The fuel-debris compositions inside a canister may vary and depend on the fuel-debris location inside the primary containment vessel and fuel-debris removal process. Our calculation result demonstrates the correlation between k$$_{eff}$$ and the activity ratio of $$^{88}$$Kr-to-$$^{135}$$Xe for the various fuel debris material conditions such as fuel burn-up degree before the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Stations (1F), canister filling rate, water fraction, and fuel-debris type.



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