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Environmental radiation monitoring after the Fukushima NPP accident, 1; Characteristics of soil penetration of deposited radiocesium

福島原発事故後の環境放射線モニタリング,1; 沈着した放射性セシウムの土壌浸透特性

越智 康太郎   ; 阿部 智久 ; 佐々木 美雪  ; 佐藤 里奈; 吉村 和也  ; 眞田 幸尚   

Ochi, Kotaro; Abe, Tomohisa; Sasaki, Miyuki; Sato, Rina; Yoshimura, Kazuya; Sanada, Yukihisa


It is difficult to calculate radiocesium inventories in forests, which cover approximately 60% of the land in Fukushima Prefecture. Conversion coefficients (ADCs) are available for estimating radiocesium inventories from air dose rates, but they are supposed to be applied to flat land, and there are no examples of their validation in forests. In this study, surveys were conducted over a wide area in 2011-2021 and a narrow area in 2019 in both virgin lands and forests. Air dose rates, relaxation mass depth ($$beta$$), and soil radiocesium inventories were obtained at the same locations. ADCs were calculated based on $$beta$$. The estimated radiocesium inventories and soil radiocesium inventories were not significantly different for both land uses, and this was true for both the wide- and narrow-area surveys. Therefore, it is considered that radiocesium inventories can be easily estimated from air dose rates using ADCs even in forests when sufficient time has passed since the accident.



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