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Application of the extended bias factor method for highly reliable benchmark suite


渡嘉敷 幹郎*; 池原 正*; 多田 健一   ; 江川 透*; 横山 賢治   ; 岩本 修  

Tokashiki, Mikio*; Ikehara, Tadashi*; Tada, Kenichi; Egawa, Toru*; Yokoyama, Kenji; Iwamoto, Osamu


The bias factor methods have been widely used for applications to reduce uncertainties of the predicted value in the reactor physics characteristics. In the present study, an attempt has been made to apply the extended bias factor method to qualifying the reliability of measured data by assuming the uncertainty of the numerical model being negligible and the covariance of cross section being reliable. In this presentation, comparison results will be shown between actual measured value and the predicted value of a benchmark case sampled from the benchmark suite. Furthermore, it will be shown that the comparison and their uncertainty enable us to qualify the degree of reliability of the actual measured value.



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