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Report No.

Non-invasive $$^{11}$$C-imaging revealed the spatiotemporal variability in the translocation of photosynthates into strawberry fruits in response to increasing daylight integrals at leaf surface

Miyoshi, Yuta*; Hidaka, Kota*; Yin, Y.-G.*; Suzui, Nobuo*; Kurita, Keisuke  ; Kawachi, Naoki*

In this study, $$^{11}$$C-photosynthate translocation into strawberry fruits in individual plants was visualized non-invasively and repeatedly using a positron emission tracer imaging system (PETIS) to assess the spatiotemporal variability in the translocation dynamics in response to increasing daylight integrals. This is the first study to use $$^{11}$$C-radioisotopes to clarify the spatiotemporal variability in photosynthate translocation from source leaves to individual sink fruits in vivo in response to increasing daylight integrals at a high spatiotemporal resolution.



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Category:Plant Sciences



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