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Report No.

Assessment of the infiltration behaviour of buffer material in seawater-type groundwater environments using a coupled THMC analysis model (Contract research)

Suzuki, Hideaki*; Takayama, Yusuke  ; Sato, Hisashi*; Watahiki, Takanori*; Sato, Daisuke*

It is anticipated that the coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical and chemical (THMC) processes will occur, involving an interactive process with radioactive decay heat arising from the vitrified waste, infiltration of groundwater from the host rock into the buffer material, swelling pressure of buffer material due to its saturation and chemical reaction between bentonite and pore-water in the near-field of a geological disposal system for high-level radioactive waste repository. In order to evaluate these phenomena in the near-field, the THMC model has been developed. In this study, For the purpose of evaluating the near-field infiltration behavior in seawater-type groundwater environment, a hydraulic model was set in which the permeability of the buffer material change depending on the salt concentration in the pore-water. In order to evaluate the drying phenomenon of the buffer material due to waste heat, a temperature gradient water transfer model was set in consideration of the dependence of temperature and pore-water saturation. The THMC analysis of the in-situ experiment of engineered barrier system (EBS) experiment at the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory was carried out. The validity of the model was then checked through comparison with measured data.



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