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Report No.

Moving particle semi-implicit method; Recent developments and applications

Li, G.*; Duan, G.*; Liu, X.*; Wang, Z. 

Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method has experienced decades of research and development since it was firstly proposed in 1996. The advanced numerical models have been developed. As the MPS method is becoming mature and stable, more and more researchers are engaging in its development and applying it to the simulations of complex multicomponent and multiphase flow in engineering. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the advanced numerical models of MPS method, including the improved discretization scheme, stabilization method, boundary condition, multiphase flow and fluid-structure interaction. The applications in the fields of nuclear engineering and ocean engineering are summarized as well. It promotes a deep understanding of the current challenges and the future development directions of the MPS method. This book is a valuable reference resource for the researchers, engineers and postgraduates with an interest in computational fluid dynamics and meshless particle methods.



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