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Report No.

Development of beam window protection unit for J-PARC Linac

Takahashi, Hiroki  ; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Hatakeyama, Shuichiro; Ishiyama, Tatsuya*

At J-PARC Linac, some beam dumps (BDs) are used for beam conditioning and study. A beam window is installed in the beamlines of each BD. A beam window protection system has been installed in the Linac 0-deg BD after a trouble with the beam window in 2018. However, the current system has not proved to be fully functional for future beam upgrade plan and etc. Then, we started to develop a beam window protection unit with a new function to measure the beam in real time and to inhibit the beam even in the middle of a beam pulse. In this paper, the details and performance of the developed beam window protection unit will be described.



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