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Report No.

Electric current control of spin helicity in an itinerant helimagnet

Jiang, N.*; Nii, Yoichi*; Arisawa, Hiroki*; Saito, Eiji; Onose, Yoshinori*

A helimagnet is a chiral magnet in which the direction of the magnetic moment spatially rotates in a plane perpendicular to the propagation vector. The sense of the rotation known as spin helicity is a robust degree of freedom of matter and may provide a new concept of magnetic memory if it can be electrically controlled and detected. Here we show that the helicity can be controlled by magnetic fields and electric currents in an itinerant helimagnet MnP. Second-harmonic resistivity measurements allow us to read out the controlled helicity. In contract to an insulating multiferroic magnet, in which spin rotation was shown to be controllable by an electric field, we achieve helicity manipulation by using an electric current in the conducting helimagnet. The controllability of the spin helicity may pave the way to new method of realizing magnetic memories based on the spin internal degrees of freedom.



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Category:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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