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Einstein-de Haas phase shifts in surface acoustic waves

立野 翔真*; 栗宗 勇貴*; 松尾 衛; 山野井 一人*; 能崎 幸雄*

Tateno, Shoma*; Kurimune, Yuki*; Matsuo, Mamoru; Yamanoi, Kazuto*; Nozaki, Yukio*

We demonstrate the phase shift of the Rayleigh-type surface acoustic wave (RSAW) in a ferromagnetic Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$ film based on the gyromagnetic Einstein-de Haas (EdH) torque that can be attributed to the back action of spin-wave excitation. The EdH torque modulates the transverse velocity of the bulk acoustic wave that causes the bipolar phase shift of RSAW. When compared with a magnetoelastic torque, the phase shift can be more prominently enhanced by increasing the frequency. The gyromagnetic torque in the RSAW paves the way.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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