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New material exploration to enhance neutron intensity below cold neutrons; Nanosized graphene flower aggregation

冷中性子以下の中性子を高強度化する新しい材料の探索; ナノサイズグラフェンフラワー集合体

勅使河原 誠   ; 池田 裕二郎*; Yan, M.*; 村松 一生*; 須谷 康一*; 福住 正文*; 能田 洋平*; 小泉 智*; 猿田 晃一   ; 大竹 淑恵*

Teshigawara, Makoto; Ikeda, Yujiro*; Yan, M.*; Muramatsu, Kazuo*; Sutani, Koichi*; Fukuzumi, Masafumi*; Noda, Yohei*; Koizumi, Satoshi*; Saruta, Koichi; Otake, Yoshie*


To enhance neutron intensity below cold neutrons, it is proposed that nanosized graphene aggregation could facilitate neutron coherent scattering under particle size conditions similar to nanodiamond. It might also be possible to use it in high neutron radiation conditions due to graphene's strong sp2 bonds. Using the RIKEN accelerator-driven compact neutron source and iMATERIA at J-PARC, we performed neutron measurement experiments, total neutron cross-section, and small-angle neutron scattering on nanosized graphene aggregation. The measured data revealed, for the first time, that nanosized graphene aggregation increased the total cross-sections and small-angle scattering in the cold neutron energy region, most likely due to coherent scattering, resulting in higher neutron intensities, similar to nanodiamond.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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