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 年 ~ 

Laser-produced plasmas on metal Fe, Cu, and Zr in air, nitrogen, and argon at atmospheric pressure


Batsaikhan, M.; 大場 弘則  

Batsaikhan, M.; Oba, Hironori

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy allows us to perform remote and rapid measurements with little or no sample preparation. And also, there have been continuous efforts to apply LIBS to nuclear material analysis. In the current situation, the inside of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station is filled with nitrogen gas. This time, we report and discuss the results of the fundamental plasma characteristics of Cu, Fe, and Zr elements in ambient gas. Plasma emission formed at the Fe, Cu, and Zr metals in the air at atmospheric pressure was collected as a function of lens-to-sample distance. As an example, the resulting spectra of Fe, the strongest intensity from Fe, O, and N was observed at lens-to-sample distance = 0 and all measurements in the present work were performed at this position. We will discuss the plasma temperature of each element and gas.



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