※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Seismic evaluation of crossover piping on a sodium cooled fast reactor with three-dimensional isolation system


渡壁 智祥; 奥田 貴大; 岡島 智史 

Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Okuda, Takahiro; Okajima, Satoshi


A three-dimensional seismic isolation system is planed for application to the conceptual design of a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) in Japan. The crossover piping is laid between the nuclear building with the isolation system and the turbine building without the isolation system. A large displacement of the nuclear building with the isolation system is imposed on the crossover piping, which situation is a particular seismic issue because of the isolation system employment. Furthermore, it should be considered that the SFR operates at elevated temperatures compared with light water reactors. In this study, seismic evaluation using an example of a crossover piping layout was performed in accordance with the elevated temperature code of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. According to the evaluation results and the up to date technologies such as knowledge obtained from existing dynamic failure tests of piping components, an appropriate seismic evaluation method for the crossover piping was studied.



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