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Report No.

Organ dose reconstruction applicable for a Japanese nuclear worker cohort; J-EPISODE

Furuta, Hiroshige*; Sato, Kaoru   ; Nishide, Akemi*; Kudo, Shinichi*; Saigusa, Shin*

Low dose radiation induced "health effects" containing cancer risk for a Japanese radiation worker cohort is epidemiologically evaluated using the personal dose equivalent (Hp(10)). On the other hand, Hp(10) is not recommended for epidemiological evaluation of cancer risks, since the Hp(10) is widely used for radiological protection purposes. In addition, the cancer risk depends on organ doses rather than Hp(10). Thus, we developed a new method for estimating organ doses from Hp(10) of radiation workers. The developed method enables epidemiological analysis against Japanese radiation workers by considering the response characteristics of personal dosimeters, exposure geometry and energy, and body size of radiation workers in Japan. In the future, we will reconstruct organ dose conversion factor and will evaluate the risk of cancer mortality and morbidity using the organ dose in Japan.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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