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 年 ~ 

Gamma-ray observation of the Cygnus region in the 100-TeV energy region


雨森 道紘*; 土屋 晴文 ; Tibet AS$$_{gamma}$$ Collaboration*; 他111名*

Amenomori, Michihiro*; Tsuchiya, Harufumi; Tibet AS$$_{gamma}$$ Collaboration*; 111 of others*

We report observations of gamma-ray emissions with energies in the 100-TeV energy region from the Cygnus region in our Galaxy. Two sources are significantly detected in the directions of the Cygnus OB1 and OB2 associations. Based on their positional coincidences, we associate one with a pulsar PSR J2032 + 4127 and the other mainly with a pulsar wind nebula PWN G75.2 + 0.1, with the pulsar moving away from its original birthplace situated around the centroid of the observed gamma-ray emission. This work would stimulate further studies of particle acceleration mechanisms at these gamma-ray sources.



- Accesses




分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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