※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Visualization and measurement of molten-metal/water interaction by using high-speed neutron imaging


栗田 圭輔  ; 齊藤 泰司*; 伊藤 大介*; 大平 直也*; 飯倉 寛  

Kurita, Keisuke; Saito, Yasushi*; Ito, Daisuke*; Odaira, Naoya*; Iikura, Hiroshi


Experiments have been performed to estimate the rising velocity of gas bubbles or water droplets in a liquid-metal pool. Dynamic behaviour of two-phase bubble evaporating in a molten alloy was clearly observed by using high-frame rate neutron imaging at 500 fps. Measurements of drag coefficient have been made for a single nitrogen gas bubble and for a water droplet including two-phase bubble evaporating in the liquid metal. The relationship between the rising velocity of a single bubble/droplet in the molten Newton's alloy was clarified in detail taking the bubble/droplet shape.



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