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Annual report of Nuclear Human Resource Development Center (April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022)


Nuclear Human Resource Development Center


This annual report summarizes the activities of Nuclear Human Resource Development Center (NuHRDeC) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in the fiscal year (FY) 2021. In FY 2021, in addition to the regular training programs at NuHRDeC, we actively organized special training courses responding to the external training needs, cooperated with universities, offered international training courses for Asian countries and promoted activities of the Japan Nuclear Human Resource Development Network (JN-HRD.net). In FY2021, due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection over the world, some training courses were conducted online using web conference systems. Regular national training programs; training courses for radioisotopes and radiation engineers, nuclear energy engineers and national qualification examinations, were conducted as scheduled in the annual plan. We also delivered training for the Japan Atomic Power Company. We continued cooperative activities with universities, such as acceptance of postdoctoral researchers, and activities in line with the cooperative graduate school system, including the acceptance of students from Nuclear Professional School, the University of Tokyo. Furthermore, joint course among seven universities was successfully held by utilizing remote education system. The joint course and the intensive summer course were conducted as part of the collaboration network with universities. The Instructor Training Program (ITP) under contract with Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, was continually offered to the ITP participating countries. As part of the ITP, the Instructor Training Courses such as "Reactor Engineering Course" and the Nuclear Technology Seminar "Basic Radiation Knowledge for School Education Seminar" were conducted online at NuHRDeC. As secretariat of JN-HRD.net, we steadily facilitated the network and conducted webinar and online training despite circulation of the new coronavirus infection.



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