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Report No.

Production of Ac-225 for targeted alpha therapy utilizing the experimental fast reactor Joyo

Maeda, Shigetaka   

$$^{225}$$Ac is attracting attention as an alpha-emitting medical radioisotope. Since its demand is expected to increase, domestic production of $$^{225}$$Ac is required from the viewpoint of Japan's medical research and economic security. In this presentation, we report on domestic and international efforts, JAEA's efforts, the conceptual study of production using the $$^{226}$$Ra and $$^{229}$$Th irradiation methods at the experimental fast reactor Joyo, and evaluation of production amount. In particular, we report on the most probable value and uncertainty evaluations using the Monte Carlo calculation code MCNP, which was established through the past neutron dosimetry examination in Joyo.



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