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Report No.

$$^{137}$$Cs contamination of Japanese mustard spinach by resuspended particles in areas with different contamination conditions

Tatsuno, Takahiro*; Yoshimura, Kazuya  ; Nihei, Naoto*

Resuspended matters occur the secondary radioactive contamination of the crops in Fukushima Prefecture. We investigated the Cs-137 contamination derived from the resuspended matters to Japanese mustard spinaches in the multiple sites. In the less contaminated site, because Cs-137 of the surface ground soil was low, contamination of crops by the soil particles might be small. In the highly contaminated area, Cs-137 deposition of the soil particles might increase. However, the soil particles had no significant effect on Cs-137 contamination to crops. This was because the grown crop might cover the soil and reduce the Cs-137 deposition on the soil.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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