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 年 ~ 

Development of hydrogen oxidation reaction catalysts to overcome CO poisoning and elucidation of reaction mechanism


稲川 康平*; 松村 大樹   ; 谷口 昌司*; 上垣 伸弥*; 中山 智仁*; 浦野 純乃介*; 青谷 拓朗*; 田中 裕久*

Inagawa, Kohei*; Matsumura, Daiju; Taniguchi, Masashi*; Uegaki, Shinya*; Nakayama, Tomohito*; Urano, Junnosuke*; Aotani, Takuro*; Tanaka, Hirohisa*

Passive autocatalytic recombiner (PAR) represents a potential technology for ensuring process safety in the hydrogen society. PARs function through the catalytic oxidation of generated or leaked hydrogen, facilitating its conversion into water and effectively mitigating the risk of hydrogen explosions. CO is recognized as a catalyst poison that hampers surface catalytic reactions. To investigate the negative effects of CO on the local structure of platinum metal nanoparticle catalysts during water formation, in situ and time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy analyses were conducted. The results revealed that the Pt-Fe/CZY catalyst exhibited notable hydrogen oxidation activity even in the presence of CO. The enhanced performance can be attributed to the combined effects of Pt-Fe alloy composition and CZY support materials.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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