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Report No.

Training using JMTR and related facilities in FY2021 and FY2022

Nakano, Hiroko  ; Fujinami, Kyoko; Yamaura, Takayuki ; Kawakami, Jun; Hanakawa, Hiroki 

A practical training course using the JMTR (Japan Materials Testing Reactor) and other research infrastructures was held from November 29 to December 2 in 2021 for Asian young researchers and engineers. This course was adopted as International Youth Exchange Program in Science (SAKURA SCIENCE Exchange Program) which is the project of the Japan Science and Technology Agency, and this course aims to enlarge the number of high-level nuclear researchers/engineers in Asian countries which are planning to introduce a nuclear power plant, and to promote the use of facilities in future. In this year, from the viewpoint of preventing the spread of COVID-19 infection, it was decided to hold the event online. 53 young researchers and engineers joined the course from 6 countries. In FY2022, training programs with invitations were held due to the easing of restrictions on entry into Japan from overseas. 7 young researchers and engineers from4 Asian countries participated in the training from February 1 to 10, 2023.The common curriculum in the training course of FY2021 and FY2022 included lectures on nuclear energy, irradiation testing, safety management, JMTR decommissioning plan, etc. In the online session, conducted in FY2021, information exchange on the energy situation in each country was conducted. On-site training conducted in FY2022, included practical training on operation using simulations, environmental monitoring, etc. and facility tours of the JMTR, etc. Many participants could join the online training course, they created a diversity of expertise and made lively discussions during the information exchange. On-site training, while limited in number of participants, provided a good opportunity for personnel exchange through practical training and face-face communication. It is desirable to hold on-site training as long as circumstances permit. This report summarizes the training conducted in FY2021 and FY2022.



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