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On J-PARC Safety Day

西藤 文博 ; 春日井 好己  ; 別所 光太郎; 中根 佳弘  

Saito, Fumihiro; Kasugai, Yoshimi; Bessho, Kotaro; Nakane, Yoshihiro


"Safety day", on which all staff members put their safety-related efforts first, has been assigned on a certain day in late May every year in J-PARC. This is an approach to make a safer environment in J-PARC, learning from the radioactive material leak accident happened on May 23, 2013, to raise the safety consciousness of every staff and foster a safety culture at J-PARC. There are four main programs that have been held on "Safety Day" so far: meeting for sharing safety information, safety awards, lectures on safety matters, and watching the documentary video on the material leak accident. The details will be shown in the presentation.



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