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Hydrogen isotope separation by quantum tunneling of hydrons through graphene

保田 諭   ; Di$~n$o, W. A.*; 福谷 克之

Yasuda, Satoshi; Di$~n$o, W. A.*; Fukutani, Katsuyuki


Monolayer graphene, representative of atomically thin crystals, has recently shown unexpectedly high proton and deuteron permeability under ambient conditions. It also permeates (filters) hydrogen (deuterium) isotope ion with high selectivity. These results suggest possible ways of developing novel and efficient hydrogen isotope gas enrichment techniques for manufacturing silicon semiconductors, optical fibers, drug development, nuclear fusion, and other related applications. And yet, despite its importance, experimental studies remain scarce and the separation mechanism contentious. Here, we introduce our recent findings on how quantum tunneling of hydrons through graphene could account for the high hydron selectivity of graphene.



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