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Report No.

Understanding muon diffusion in perovskite oxides below room temperature based on harmonic transition state theory

Ito, Takashi   ; Higemoto, Wataru  ; Shimomura, Koichiro*

In positive muon spin rotation and relaxation ($$mu^+$$SR) spectroscopy, positive muons ($$mu^+$$) implanted into solid oxides are conventionally treated as immobile spin-probes at interstitial sites below room temperature. This is because each $$mu^+$$ is thought to be tightly bound to an oxygen atom in the host lattice to form a muonic analogue of the hydroxy group. On the basis of this concept, anomalies in $$mu^+$$SR spectra observed in oxides have been attributed in most cases to the intrinsic properties of host materials. On the other hand, global $$mu^+$$ diffusion with an activation energy of $$sim$$0.1~eV has been reported in some chemically-substituted perovskite oxides at cryogenic temperatures, although the reason for the small activation energy despite the formation of the strong O$$mu$$ bond has not yet been quantitatively understood. In this study, we investigated interstitial $$mu^+$$ diffusion in the perovskite oxide lattice using KTaO$$_3$$ cubic perovskite as a model system. We used the $$mu^+$$SR method and density functional theory calculations along with the harmonic transition state theory to study this phenomenon both experimentally and theoretically. Experimental activation energies for global $$mu^+$$ diffusion obtained below room temperature were less than a quarter of the calculated classical potential barrier height for a bottleneck $$mu^+$$ transfer path. The reduction in the effective barrier height could be explained by the harmonic transition state theory with a zero-point energy correction; a significant difference in zero-point energies for $$mu^+$$ at the positions in the O$$mu$$ bonding equilibrium state and a bond-breaking transition state was the primary cause of the reduction. This suggests that the assumption of immobile $$mu^+$$ in solid oxides is not always satisfied since such a significant decrease in diffusion barrier height can also occur in other oxides.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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