※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Dismantlement of receiving and storage process equipment for transportation of spent fuels

三枝 祐; 西野 紗樹; 堀江 幸次; 谷田部 仁史; 山田 貴史; 大山 大輔; 内田 直樹

Saegusa, Yu; Nishino, Saki; Horie, Koji; Yatabe, Hitoshi; Yamada, Takashi; Oyama, Daisuke; Uchida, Naoki


All the spent fuel stored in the Tokai Reprocessing Plant is transported to the overseas reprocessing plant. When spent fuel transportation, we use dry type cask instead of wet type cask. Therefore, equipment of the wet type cask is not used. And the equipment is some possibility of interfere with cask because the equipment is stored in the transport route. So, we were dismantled receiving and storage process equipment as preparation work for spent fuel transportation. In dismantlement work, we selected cutting equipment after scrutinizing size and shape of equipment, contamination and workability. Moreover, we have taken safety measures during work such as fire prevention and contamination control. As a result, the work was completed as originally planned.



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