※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

身体汚染に対する洗浄剤、除染方法の改良,2; 防護具除染時の残留及び脱装時の汚染拡大の評価

Improvement of the decontamination detergents and methods for body radioactive contamination, 2; Evaluation of residual locations after decontamination and spread of contamination by dequiping of protective equipments

藤澤 真; 富岡 哲史; 井崎 賢二 ; 塩谷 聡

Fujisawa, Makoto; Tomioka, Akifumi; Izaki, Kenji; Shioya, Satoshi


It is important to predict the spread of radioactive materials attached to workers' bodies. We evaluated the degree to which contamination remained after wiping off protective gear and the degree to which contamination was dispersed when it was removed. In the test, we applied fluorescent paint that simulates radioactive substances to protective gear, wiped it off with a wet rag, and removed the gear. And we photographed the fluorescent paint with a camera and evaluated the decontamination effect of wiping and the spread of simulated contamination. As a result of the test, we were able to evaluate the degree to which the protective gear was contaminated.



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