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Rolling of the reactor physics road map (RM2017)

牛尾 直史*; 相澤 直人*; 藤田 達也  ; 郡司 智  

Ushio, Tadashi*; Aizawa, Naoto*; Fujita, Tatsuya; Gunji, Satoshi


The reactor physics road map is and has to remain "the guide for reactor physics engineers/researchers in considering future directions of technology and research developments," thus the periodical rolling by reactor physics engineers/researchers is necessary. In consideration of the fact that five years have already passed since the current 2017 version (RM2017, October 2017) was developed, and the environment surrounding nuclear energy has significantly changed such as the developments of GX (Green Transformation) strategy and Carbon-Neutrality by 2050, a new 2024 version (RM2024) was developed by revising RM2017 through the review of current items and descriptions. In the planning lecture by the reactor physics division, the details of this rolling work are introduced, and the expectations for the road map, the requirements for ideal road map, the desirable items, etc. are discussed by an exchange of opinions with reactor physics engineers/researchers.



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