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Report No.

Investigation of the electronic structure of the Mg$$_{99.2}$$Zn$$_{0.2}$$Y$$_{0.6}$$ alloy using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Miyazaki, Hidetoshi*; Akatsuka, Tatsuyoshi*; Kimura, Koji*; Egusa, Daisuke*; Sato, Yohei*; Itakura, Mitsuhiro  ; Takagi, Yasumasa*; Yasui, Akira*; Ozawa, Kenichi*; Mase, Kazuhiko*; Tokunaga, Toko*; Hayashi, Koichi*; Hagihara, Koji*; Abe, Eiji*

We investigated the electronic structure of the Mg$$_{99.2}$$Zn$$_{0.2}$$Y$$_{0.6}$$ alloy using hard and soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and electronic band structure calculations to understand the mechanism of the phase stability of this material. Electronic structure of the Mg$$_{99.2}$$Zn$$_{0.2}$$Y$$_{0.6}$$ alloy showed a semi-metallic electronic structure with a pseudo-gap at the Fermi level. The observed electronic structure of the Mg$$_{99.2}$$Zn$$_{0.2}$$Y$$_{0.6}$$ alloy suggests that the presence of a pseudogap structure is responsible for phase stability.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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