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Persistent magnetic coherence in magnets

巻内 崇彦*; 日置 友智*; 清水 祐樹*; 星 幸治郎*; Elyasi, M.*; 山本 慧; 横井 直人*; Serga, A. A.*; Hillebrands, B.*; Bauer, G. E. W.*; et al.

Nature Materials, 23(5), p.627 - 632, 2024/05

When excited, a magnetization in a magnet precesses around the field in an anticlockwise manner on a time scale governed by viscous magnetization damping, after which any information carried by the initial actuation seems to be lost. The damping appears to be a fundamental bottleneck for the use of magnets in information processing. Nevertheless, here we demonstrate recall of the magnetization-precession phase after times that far exceed the damping time scale by two orders of magnitude using dedicated two-colour microwave pump-and-probe experiments for a Y$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{5}$$O$$_{12}$$ microstructured film. Time- resolved magnetization state tomography confirms the magnetic persistent coherence (MPC) by revealing a double-exponential decay of the magnetization correlation. We attribute MPC to a feedback effect, viz. coherent coupling of the uniform precession with long-lived excitations at the minima of the spin-wave dispersion relation. Our finding liberates magnetic systems from the strong damping in nanostructures tyranny that limits their use in coherent information storage and processing.


Nonlinear enhancement of coherent magnetization dynamics

Elyasi, M.*; 山本 慧; 日置 友智*; 巻内 崇彦*; 清水 祐樹*; 齊藤 英治*; Bauer, G. E. W.*

Physical Review B, 109(18), p.L180402_1 - L180402_7, 2024/05

Magnets are interesting materials for classical and quantum information technologies. However, the short decoherence and dephasing times that determine the scale and speed of information networks severely limit the appeal of employing the ferromagnetic resonance. Here we show that the lifetime and coherence of the uniform Kittel mode can be enhanced by three-magnon interaction-induced mixing with the long-lived magnons at the minima of the dispersion relation. Analytical and numerical calculations based on this model explain recent experimental results and predict experimental signatures of quantum coherence.


高温ガス炉と水素製造施設の接続技術開発; HTTR-熱利用試験計画

石井 克典; 守田 圭介; 野口 弘喜; 青木 健; 水田 直紀; 長谷川 武史; 永塚 健太郎; 野本 恭信; 清水 厚志; 飯垣 和彦; et al.

第27回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2023/09

JAEA initiated the HTTR heat application test project coupling a hydrogen production facility to the HTTR (high temperature engineering test reactor). The project aims to establish "coupling technologies" between HTGR and hydrogen production achieving large-scale, stable and economically competitive carbon-free hydrogen production using the HTGR heat. Important considerations towards establishment of coupling technologies are development of system technologies for HTGR hydrogen production systems and components required for coupling between two facilities. This paper explains a system concept of the HTTR heat application system which can maintain safe and stable operation of the HTTR against temperature transients induced by abnormal events in a hydrogen production plant with the results of operational scheme as well as heat and mass balance of the system. Development plans for hot gas duct, high temperature isolation valves and helium gas circulators are also presented.


Level structures of $$^{56,58}$$Ca cast doubt on a doubly magic $$^{60}$$Ca

Chen, S.*; Browne, F.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Lee, J.*; Obertelli, A.*; 角田 佑介*; 大塚 孝治*; 茶園 亮樹*; Hagen, G.*; Holt, J. D.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 843, p.138025_1 - 138025_7, 2023/08

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:59.27(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

$$^{57,59}$$Scからの1陽子ノックアウト反応を用いて、$$^{56}$$Caと$$^{58}$$Caのガンマ崩壊を観測した。$$^{56}$$Caでは1456(12)keVの$$gamma$$線遷移が、$$^{58}$$Caでは1115(34)keVの遷移が観測された。どちらの遷移も暫定的に$$2^{+}_{1} rightarrow 0^{+}_{gs}$$と割り当てられた。有効核子間相互作用をわずかに修正した広い模型空間での殻模型計算では、$$2^{+}_{1}$$準位エネルギー、2中性子分離エネルギー、反応断面積が実験とよく一致し、N=34閉殻の上に新しい殻が形成されていることを裏付けた。その構成要素である$$0_{f5/2}$$$$0_{g9/2}$$軌道はほぼ縮退しており、これは$$^{60}$$Caが二重魔法核である可能性を排除し、Ca同位体のドリップラインを$$^{70}$$Caあるいはそれ以上にまで広げる可能性がある。


Switching of magnon parametric oscillation by magnetic field direction

堀部 聡平*; 清水 祐樹*; 星 幸治郎*; 巻内 崇彦*; 日置 友智*; 齊藤 英治

Applied Physics Express, 16(7), p.073001_1 - 073001_4, 2023/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0(Physics, Applied)

Parametric oscillation occurs when the resonance frequency of an oscillator is periodically modulated. Owing to time-reversal symmetry breaking in magnets, nonreciprocal magnons can be parametrically excited when spatial-inversion symmetry breaking is provided. This means that magnons with opposite propagation directions have different amplitudes. Here we demonstrate switching on and off the magnon parametric oscillation by reversing the external field direction applied to a Y$$_3$$Fe$$_5$$O$$_{12}$$ micro-structured film. The result originates from the nonreciprocity of surface mode magnons, leading to field-direction dependence of the magnon accumulation under nonuniform microwave pumping. Our numericalcalculation well reproduces the experimental result.


Superconducting spin reorientation in spin-triplet multiple superconducting phases of UTe$$_2$$

金城 克樹*; 藤林 裕己*; 松村 拓輝*; 堀 文哉*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; et al.

Science Advances (Internet), 9(30), p.2736_1 - 2736_6, 2023/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Superconducting (SC) state has spin and orbital degrees of freedom, and spin-triplet superconductivity shows multiple SC phases because of the presence of these degrees of freedom. However, the observation of spin-direction rotation occurring inside the SC state (SC spin rotation) has hardly been reported. Uranium ditelluride, a recently found topological superconductor, exhibits various SC phases under pressure: SC state at ambient pressure (SC1), high-temperature SC state above 0.5 gigapascal (SC2), and low-temperature SC state above 0.5 gigapascal (SC3). We performed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and ac susceptibility measurements on a single-crystal uranium ditelluride. The b axis spin susceptibility remains unchanged in SC2, unlike in SC1, and decreases below the SC2-SC3 transition with spin modulation. These unique properties in SC3 arise from the coexistence of two SC order parameters. Our NMR results confirm spin-triplet superconductivity with SC spin parallel to b axis in SC2 and unveil the remaining of spin degrees of freedom in SC uranium ditelluride.


Low-temperature magnetic fluctuations investigated by $$^{125}$$Te-NMR on the uranium-based superconductor UTe$$_2$$

藤林 裕己*; 金城 克樹*; 仲嶺 元輝*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(5), p.053702_1 - 053702_5, 2023/05

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:72.4(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

To investigate the static and dynamic magnetic properties on the uranium-based superconductor UTe$$_2$$, we measured the NMR Knight shift $$K$$ and the nuclear spin lattice relaxation rate 1/$$T_1$$ in $$H//a$$ by $$^{125}$$Te-NMR on a $$^{125}$$Te-enriched single-crystal sample. 1/$$T_1$$$$T$$ in $$H//a$$ is much smaller than 1/$$T_1$$$$T$$ in $$H //b$$ and c, and magnetic fluctuations along each axis are derived from the 1/$$T_1$$$$T$$ measured in $$H$$ parallel to all three crystalline axes. The magnetic fluctuations are almost identical at two Te sites and isotropic at high temperatures, but become anisotropic below 40 K, where heavy-fermion state is formed.


Large reduction in the $$a$$-axis knight shift on UTe$$_2$$ with $$T_c$$ = 2.1 K

松村 拓輝*; 藤林 裕己*; 金城 克樹*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(6), p.063701_1 - 063701_5, 2023/05

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:95.84(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Spin susceptibility in the superconducting (SC) state was measured in the higher-quality sample of uranium-based superconductor UTe$$_2$$ by using Knight-shift measurements for a magnetic field $$H$$ along all three crystalline axes. In the higher-quality sample, the SC transition temperature $$T_c$$ is about 2.1 K, and the residual electronic term in the specific heat is almost zero. The NMR linewidth becomes narrower and is almost half of that in the previous sample with $$T_csim$$1.6 K when $$H//a$$ and $$c$$. Although the Knight-shift behavior was not so different from the previous results for $$H//b$$, and $$c$$, a large reduction in Knight shift along the $$a$$ axis was observed, in contrast with the previous $$a$$-axis Knight shift result. We discuss the origin of the difference between the previous and present results, and the possible SC state derived from the present results.


Validation of evaluation model for analysis of steam reformer in HTGR hydrogen production plant

石井 克典; 青木 健; 井坂 和義; 野口 弘喜; 清水 厚志; 佐藤 博之

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2023/05

JAEA initiated High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) heat application test project to establish coupling technologies between HTGR and a hydrogen production plant necessary to achieve large-scale, low cost, and carbon-free hydrogen production. One important element for the coupling technologies is a system analysis code which can simulate dynamic behavior of a HTGR hydrogen production system to design a plant control system for the effects of circulated helium heat through both facilities. The code is required to deal with a complex system which involves several subsystems and different physics with different timescales. As a first step of the development, we developed a heat and mass balance evaluation model of a helium-heated steam reformer. This report will present the outline of the developed model and simulation results with comparison to the experimental results.


Development of safety design philosophy of HTTR-Heat Application Test Facility

青木 健; 清水 厚志; 野口 弘喜; 倉林 薫; 安田 貴則; 野本 恭信; 飯垣 和彦; 佐藤 博之; 坂場 成昭

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2023/05



Development plan for coupling technology between high temperature gas-cooled reactor HTTR and hydrogen production facility, 1; Overview of the HTTR heat application test plan to establish high safety coupling technology

野本 恭信; 水田 直紀; 守田 圭介; 青木 健; 沖田 将一朗; 石井 克典; 倉林 薫; 安田 貴則; 田中 真人; 井坂 和義; et al.

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2023/05

JAEA initiated an HTTR heat application test plan to develop for coupling technology between HTGR and hydrogen production facility. The principal objective of this test plan is to establish the high safety coupling technology for coupling a hydrogen production facility to HTGR through the demonstration of a hydrogen production by the proven technology of methane steam reforming method utilizing the HTTR as a high temperature heat source. The other objective is to develop for coupling equipment such as a high temperature isolation valve, a helium gas circulator and a high temperature insulation pipe. This paper describes the overview of an HTTR heat application test plan such as a draft test schedule and test targets for the demonstration of a hydrogen production. This paper also presents basic specifications of an HTTR heat application test facility such as the HTTR modification strategy, overall system configuration and heat and mass balance at rated test operation for the demonstration of a hydrogen production. Furthermore, the operation plan during the normal start-up and shut-down processes is proposed.


Development plan for coupling technology between high temperature gas-cooled reactor HTTR and Hydrogen Production Facility, 2; Development plan for coupling equipment between HTTR and Hydrogen Production Facility

水田 直紀; 守田 圭介; 青木 健; 沖田 将一朗; 石井 克典; 倉林 薫; 安田 貴則; 田中 真人; 井坂 和義; 野口 弘喜; et al.

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2023/05

High temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) is expected to extend the use of nuclear heat to a wider spectrum of industrial applications such as hydrogen production, high efficiency power generation, etc., due largely to high temperature heat supply capability as well as inherent safe characteristics. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) have been contracted by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, part of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan, to conduct its Hydrogen Production Demonstration Project Utilizing Very High Temperature. The primary objective of this project is to establish "coupling technology" between HTGR and hydrogen production facility in accordance with "Green Growth Strategy Through Achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2050". From this fiscal year, JAEA initiated a program to produce hydrogen using an HTTR (High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor) to develop coupling technologies between HTGR and hydrogen production facility required for a massive, cost-effective and carbon-free hydrogen production technology. This paper describes the development plan for coupling equipment which is required for an HTTR heat application test as coupling technologies between an HTTR and a hydrogen production facility. The coupling equipment is composed of a high temperature isolation valve to prevent the ingress of the flammable gas and/or the leakage of radioactive materials for nuclear facility, a secondary helium gas circulator to feed a high temperature helium gas, and a high temperature insulation pipe to transport of a high temperature helium gas from an Internal Heat Exchanger (IHX) to a hydrogen production facility. The development plan of coupling equipment contains each target and draft schedule.


Change of superconducting character in UTe$$_{2}$$ induced by magnetic field

金城 克樹*; 藤林 裕己*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; 本間 佳哉*; et al.

Physical Review B, 107(6), p.L060502_1 - L060502_5, 2023/02

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:95.72(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

UTe$$_2$$ is a recently discovered spin-triplet superconductor. One of the characteristic features of UTe$$_2$$ is a magnetic field ($$H$$)-boosted superconductivity above 16 T when H is applied exactly parallel to the $$b$$ axis. To date, this superconducting (SC) state has not been thoroughly investigated, and the SC properties as well as the spin state of this high-$$H$$ SC (HHSC) phase are not well understood. In this letter, we performed AC magnetic susceptibility and nuclear magnetic resonance measurements and found that, up to 24.8 T, the HHSC state has bulk nature and is quite sensitive to the $$H$$ angle and that its SC character is different from that in the low-$$H$$ SC (LHSC) state. The dominant spin component of the spin-triplet pair is along the $$a$$ axis in the LHSC state but is changed in the HHSC state along the $$b$$ axis. Our results indicate that $$H$$-induced multiple SC states originate from the remaining spin degrees of freedom.


Drastic change in magnetic anisotropy of UTe$$_2$$ under pressure revealed by $$^{125}$$Te-NMR

金城 克樹*; 藤林 裕己*; 仲嶺 元輝*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; et al.

Physical Review B, 105(14), p.L140502_1 - L140502_5, 2022/04

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:62.6(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

To investigate the normal-state magnetic properties of UTe$$_2$$ under pressure, we perform $$^{125}$$Te nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements up to 2 GPa. Below 1.2 GPa, the b-axis NMR Knight shift shows a broad maximum at the so-called $$T_{chi, max}$$ on cooling, which is consistent with the magnetization measurement under pressure. $$T_{chi, max}$$ decreases with increasing pressure and disappears at the critical pressure $$P_c$$= 1.7 GPa, above which superconductivity is destroyed.


A First glimpse at the shell structure beyond $$^{54}$$Ca; Spectroscopy of $$^{55}$$K, $$^{55}$$Ca, and $$^{57}$$Ca

小岩井 拓真*; Wimmer, K.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Barbieri, C.*; Duguet, T.*; Holt, J. D.*; 宮城 宇志*; Navr$'a$til, P.*; 緒方 一介*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 827, p.136953_1 - 136953_7, 2022/04

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:71.46(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

中性子過剰核$$^{54}$$Caでは、新魔法数34が発見されて以来、その構造を知るために多くの実験がなされてきたが、それを超える中性子過剰核の情報は全く知られてこなかった。本論文では、理化学研究所RIBFにて$$^{55}$$K, $$^{55}$$Ca, $$^{57}$$Caの励起状態から脱励起するガンマ線を初めて観測した結果を報告した。それぞれ1つのガンマ線しか得られなかったものの、$$^{55}$$Kおよび$$^{55}$$Caのデータは、それぞれ、陽子の$$d_{3/2}$$$$s_{1/2}$$軌道間のエネルギー差、中性子の$$p_{1/2}$$$$f_{5/2}$$軌道間のエネルギー差を敏感に反映し、両方とも最新の殻模型計算によって200keV程度の精度で再現できることがわかった。また、1粒子状態の程度を特徴づける分光学的因子を実験データと歪曲波インパルス近似による反応計算から求め、その値も殻模型計算の値と矛盾しないことがわかった。


Slow electronic dynamics in the paramagnetic state of UTe$$_2$$

徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 芳賀 芳範; 常盤 欣文; Opletal, P.; 藤林 裕己*; 金城 克樹*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 91(2), p.023707_1 - 023707_5, 2022/02

 被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:93.09(Physics, Multidisciplinary)




与能本 泰介; 中島 宏*; 曽野 浩樹; 岸本 克己; 井澤 一彦; 木名瀬 政美; 長 明彦; 小川 和彦; 堀口 洋徳; 猪井 宏幸; et al.

JAEA-Review 2020-056, 51 Pages, 2021/03




High-spin states in $$^{35}$$S

郷 慎太郎*; 井手口 栄治*; 横山 輪*; 青井 考*; Azaiez, F.*; 古高 和禎; 初川 雄一; 木村 敦; 木佐森 慶一*; 小林 幹*; et al.

Physical Review C, 103(3), p.034327_1 - 034327_8, 2021/03

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:54.4(Physics, Nuclear)

Excited states in $$^{35}$$S were investigated by in-beam $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy using the $$^{26}$$Mg($$^{18}$$O, 2$$alpha$$1$$n$$) fusion-evaporation reaction. The de-exciting $$gamma$$-rays were measured with germanium detector arrays along with the measurement of evaporated charged particles in a $$4pi$$ segmented Si detector array. The level scheme was extended up to 12470 keV. The obtained level structure is compared with the large-scale shell-model calculations. The possibility of isoscalar-pair excited states is discussed for $$J=(17/2)$$ states with comparison between the experimental and theoretical results.


High temperature gas-cooled reactors

武田 哲明*; 稲垣 嘉之; 相原 純; 青木 健; 藤原 佑輔; 深谷 裕司; 後藤 実; Ho, H. Q.; 飯垣 和彦; 今井 良行; et al.

High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.5, 464 Pages, 2021/02



$$N$$ = 32 shell closure below calcium; Low-lying structure of $$^{50}$$Ar

Cort$'e$s, M. L.*; Rodriguez, W.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Holt, J. D.*; Men$'e$ndez, J.*; 緒方 一介*; Schwenk, A.*; 清水 則孝*; Simonis, J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 102(6), p.064320_1 - 064320_9, 2020/12


 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:78.07(Physics, Nuclear)

理化学研究所RIBFにおいて、$$N$$=32同位体である$$^{50}$$Arの低励起構造を陽子・中性子ノックアウト反応,多核子剥離反応,陽子非弾性散乱と$$gamma$$線分光によって調査した。すでに知られていた2つに加えて、3$$^{-}$$状態の候補を含む5つの状態を新たに確認した。$$gamma$$ $$gamma$$ coincidenceによって得られた準位図は$$sd-pf$$模型空間での殻模型計算やカイラル2体・3体力による第一原理計算と比較した。陽子・中性子ノックアウト反応断面積の理論との比較により、新たに発見された2つの状態は2$$^{+}$$状態であり、また以前に4$$^{+}_{1}$$とされていた状態も2$$^{+}$$であることが示唆された。

53 件中 1件目~20件目を表示