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Report No.

Premoderator optimization of decoupled hydrogen moderator

Harada, Masahide; Teshigawara, Makoto   ; Kai, Tetsuya   ; Sakata, Hideaki*; Watanabe, Noboru; Ikeda, Yujiro

An optimization study on the premoderator, the reflector material choice and a length of the liner is carried out for the design of high performance decoupled hydrogen moderator. NMTC/JAM and MCNP-4C are used for the neutronics calculation. The result indicates that, assuming premoderator dimensions and decoupling energy is controlled, the decoupled hydrogen moderator with a premoderator can provide better pulse characteristics than that without the premoderator for a Be reflector. On the selection of the reflector material, it is clearly shown that Pb and Hg reflectors give merits in using the premoderator for higher intensity and reduction of energy deposition in moderator. It is also shown that a H2O premoderator provides a short tail while a D2O premoderator provides the high peak intensity. Minimum liner length is evaluated to be 20 cm from the viewpoint of neutronics.



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