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Proceedings of the 24th NSRR Technical Review Meeting; Tokyo, November 13-14, 2000

第24回NSRRテクニカルレビュー会議報告集; 2000年11月13日-14日、東京


Fuel Safety Research Laboratory


The 24th NSRR Technical Review Meeting was held at Tranomon Pastoral, Tokyo, on November 13 and 14, 2000. The purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss the recent progress of the NSRR program and other LWR fuel safety researches at JAERI. Twenty-one papers, including five by foreign institutes, were presented and discussed regarding fuel behavior during normal operation, reactivity initiated accident (RIA) and loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) and FP release behavior during severe accident. The meeting was a great help in planning future research and promoting research cooperation. This proceeding contains the papers presented in the meeting.



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