※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

原子動力海中航行観測船の運航条件及び運航システムの検討; 海洋調査への超小型炉の活用検討ワーキンググループ報告

Study on operation conditions and an operation system of a nuclear powered submersible research vessel; Report of working group on application of a very small nuclear reactor to an ocean research

浦 環*; 賞雅 寛而*; 西村 一*; 青木 太郎*; 上野 道雄*; 前田 俊夫*; 中村 溶透*; 島津 俊介*; 徳永 三伍*; 柴田 陽三*; 外川 織彦 ; 石田 紀久; 島崎 潤也*; 小田野 直光; 高橋 照雄*; 楠 剛 ; 頼経 勉 

Ura, Tamaki*; Takamasa, Tomoji*; Nishimura, Hajime*; Aoki, Taro*; Ueno, Michio*; Maeda, Toshio*; Nakamura, Masato*; Shimazu, Shunsuke*; Tokunaga, Sango*; Shibata, Yozo*; Togawa, Orihiko; Ishida, Toshihisa; Shimazaki, Junya*; Odano, Naoteru; Takahashi, Teruo*; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi; Yoritsune, Tsutomu


JAERI has studied on design and operation of a nuclear powered submersible research vessel, which will navigate under sea in the Arctic Ocean, as a part of the design study of advanced marine reactors. This report describes operation conditions and an operating system of the vessel those were discussed by the specialists of hull design, sound positioning, ship motions and oceanography, etc. The design conditions on ship motions for submersible vessels were surveyed considering regulations in our country, and ship motions were evaluated assuming the observation activities in the Arctic Ocean. A submarine transponder system and an on ice communication buoy system were examined as a positioning and communication system supposing the activity under ice. Procedures to secure safety of nuclear powered submersible research vessel were discussed based on the investigation of accidents. These results were reflected to the concept of the nuclear powered submersible research vessel, and subjects fto be settled in the next step were clarified.



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