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Development of computer systems for planning and management of reactor decommissioning; A Study on influence of work difficulty factors on project management data and simplification of work breakdown structures (Contract research)

Oshima, Soichiro; Sukegawa, Takenori; Shiraishi, Kunio; Yanagihara, Satoshi

Project management data on dismantling the Japan Power Demonstration Reactor (JPDR) was calculated using the Code System for Planning and Management of Reactor Decommissioning (COSMARD), and then its validity was studied by comparing the calculation results with actual data. In addition, work breakdown structure models and database were modified to meet an evaluation with changing work difficulty of preparation and cleanup activities, and calculations were further conducted to analyze feasibility by changing various conditions on cutting and conditioning activities. As the results, COSMARD was verified to be useful by confirming calculation capability on reflection of actual work conditions and relatively good agreement between actual data and calculations. Moreover, it was cleared that main parameters such as work difficulty of preparation and cleanup activities and the cutting speed in demolition work could affect to manpower within 30% in each calculations.



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