Issues to be verified by IFMIF prototype accelerator for engineering validation
杉本 昌義; 今井 剛; 奥村 義和; 中山 光一*; 鈴木 昌平*; 三枝 幹雄*
Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; Okumura, Yoshikazu; Nakayama, Koichi*; Suzuki, Shohei*; Saigusa, Mikio*
International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is an accelerator-based intense neutron source for fusion reactor materials development. Each one of the two accelerator modules needs to have a capability to provide the 40MeV/125mA deuteron beam continuously. Although the technology to produce the 7MeV/100mA proton beam is already verified using 350 MHz linac in the past, an engineering study using a prototype is necessary to verify the performance of IFMIF 175 MHz deuteron linac, and Engineering Validation Phase (EVP) is planned for this purpose. Some critical design parameters, like final and transition energies of linacs or RF source characteristics, are needed to be optimised for the prototype. As it is also important to verify the essential component technology, e.g. ion source, RFQ beam matching, rf system components, etc., the present status and expected results of such undergoing verification tests are described. An integrated concept of prototype accelerator is shown as a Japanese proposal for EVP to provide for the international discussion.