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Report No.

ETDOSE; A Code to simulate tritium transfer in the environment and to evaluate dose

Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko  ; Amano, Hikaru; Takahashi, Tomoyuki*

During normal operation or an accident of nuclear facilities, tritium will be released mostly as forms of HT and HTO to the environment. ETDOSE is a simple computer code to calculate atmospheric distribution patterns of tritium for an acute and a chronic release of HT and HTO. This code calculates tritium concentrations in air, soil, plant free water and OBT, and estimates dose impact by inhalation of air and ingestion of food. ETDOSE has GUI interface, so anyone can use it very easily. Participation in IAEA's model validation program BIOMASS has been done using this code for BIOMASS Scenario 1. In the scenario, tritium is assumed to be released continuously to the atmosphere as forms of HT or HTO. We shows the outline of ETDOSE and results of the application.



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