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Report No.

Analysis of multi-dimensional boiling flow in secondary water pool of horizontal PCCS; Effect of pool size

Onuki, Akira; Nakamura, Hideo  ; Kawamura, Shinichi*; Saishu, Sadanori*

A passive containment cooling system (PCCS) is under planning to use in a next-generation-type BWR for long-term cooling by condensing steam using horizontal heat exchangers. Heat transfer behavior in a secondary water pool is one of important phenomena governing heat removal performance of the PCCS. Boiling and condensation can be supposed under high heat flux regions and the characteristics of the two-phase natural circulation should be evaluated. This study investigated effects of pool size on the characteristics by multi-dimensional two-fluid model code ACE-3D. It was found from the analyses that the pool size gives no significant influences for the characteristics in tube bundle under local-boiling mode.



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