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Report No.

Fermi surface of heavy Fermion compounds CeTIn$$_5$$ (T=Rh, Ir, and Co); Band-calculation and tight-binding approach

Maehira, Takahiro; Takimoto, Tetsuya; Hotta, Takashi; Ueda, Kazuo*; Higuchi, Masahiko*; Hasegawa, Akira*

Recently a new family of Ce-based heavy fermion superconductor $${rm CeTIn_{5}}$$ (T=Rh, Ir, and Co) has been reported. The dHvA effect has been successfully observed in $${rm CeIrIn_{5}}$$ and $${rm CeCoIn_{5}}$$.The angular dependence of dHvA branches is well explained by a quasi-two dimensional Fermi surface(F.S.). In order to clarify band structures of Ce-115 systems such as CeIrIn$$_5$$ and CeCoGa$$_5$$, two-step strategy is here employed. In the first step, the F.S. are derived by using the RLAPW method. In the next step, the band structure near the Fermi level is reanalyzed by using a simple tight-binding model. Namely, hopping amplitudes of $$f$$-electrons between neighboring Ce ions are parameterized to reproduce the F.S. obtained in the band-calculation. By further adding the Coulomb interaction terms into this tight-binding model, a simple many-body Hamiltonian for Ce-compounds can be constructed. This Hamiltonian opens a way to discuss magnetism and superconductivity in $$f$$-electron systems from the microscopic viewpoint.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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