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Neutronics experiment of $$^{6}$$Li-enriched breeding blanket with Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$/Be/F82H assembly using D-T neutrons

Ochiai, Kentaro; Klix, A.; Hori, Junichi; Morimoto, Yuichi*; Wada, Masayuki*; Nishitani, Takeo

Thermal blanket type as one of conceptual designs for DEMO-fusion blanket is proposed. We have irradiated the trial blanket assembly which was stratified 95-% enriched Li2TiO3,F82H and beryllium block using Fusion Neutron Source (FNS) and verified the accuracy of these parameters by measurements of tritium and gamma-ray emitted from samples of95-% enriched Li2TiO3 and F82H. We have used the liquid scintillated counter as the method of tritium measurement. Activation foils, NE213, Si-SBD and Fission chamber have usedto measure neutron fluence. Moreover, we have concurrently measured the gamma rays of 56Mn, 54Mn, 187W and 51Cr was produced by 56Fe(n,p), 54Fe(n,p), 186W(n,g), 52Cr(n,2n) and 50Cr(n,g) in F82H. We have used the JENDL Fusion File library and MCNP to verify the accuracy tritium-production rate and 56Mn, 54Mn, 187W and 51Cr. From the results of above experiments, MCNP that uses the JENDL-FF nuclear data library can predict the nuclear parameters such as TPR, Nb, 56Mn, In and 54Mn in the test assemblies within an accuracy of 10%.



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