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Report No.

New method for the separation of actinide ions by controlled-potential electrolysis at the interface between aqueous and organic solutions

Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro  ; Aoyagi, Hisao; Kimura, Takaumi ; Yoshida, Zenko; Kudo, Hiroshi*; Kihara, Sorin*

Controlled-potential electrolysis (CPE) method for the transfer of an ion at the interface of two immiscible electrolyte solutions has been developed. The CPE method was applied to the transfer of actinide ions such as UO$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$ and Am$$^{3+}$$ between aqueous (W) and nitrobenzene (NB) solutions. The transfer of actinide ions from W to NB facilitated by bis(diphenyl-phosphoryl)methane (BDPPM) was studied, and it was found that CPE was successfully applied to the electrolytic separation of U(VI) and Am(III) from W to NB containing BDPPM.



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