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加速器駆動炉の炉物理ワーキングパーティー活動報告書; 平成11年7月~平成13年3月

Activity report of Working Party on Reactor Physics of Accelerator-driven System; July 1999 to March 2001


Research Committee on Reactor Physics


Under the Research Committee on Reactor Physics, the Working Party on Reactor Physics of Accelerator-Driven System (ADS-WP) was set in July 1999 to review and investigate special subjects related to reactor physics research for the Accelerator-Driven Subcritical System (ADS).The ADS-WP, at the first meeting, discussed a task guideline of its activity for two years and decided to concentrate upon three subjects: (1) neutron transport calculations in high energy range, (2) static and kinetic (safety-related) characteristics of subcritical system, and (3) system design including ADS concepts and elemental technology developments required.The activity of ADS-WP continued from July 1999 to March 2001. In this duration, the members of ADS-WP met together four times and discussed the above subjects. In addition, the ADS-WP conducted a questionnaire on requests and proposals for the plan of Transmutation Physics Experimental Facility in the High-Intensity Proton Accelerator Project, which is a joint project between JAERI and KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization).This report summarizes the results obtained by the above ADS-WP activity. The report will be useful to overview those results and moreover to set up a new guideline of future research activity in this field.



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