※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


An Approximate design method of discrete-time 2DOF controller and its parameter tuning

石川 信行; 阿部 健一*

Ishikawa, Nobuyuki; Abe, Kenichi*


This paper presents a method of designing a feedforward element of 2DOF controller based on the approximation in time domain. Since we deal with the discrete-time 2DOF controller parameterized with rational stable function, the relation of the controller parameter and output sequence is expressed in the form of simple linear equation, through which the feedforward element of 2DOF controller can be designed. In addition, we also propose a controller parameter tuning method to enhance the reference response characteristics of control system by applying the iterative solution commonly utilized in numerical calculation. The results of the numerical simulation show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.



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