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Report No.

Energy loss and energy straggling of light ions in fullerite

Vacik, J.; Hnatowicz, V.*; Cervena, J.*; Naramoto, Hiroshi; Yamamoto, Shunya; Fink, D.*

In this work, the stopping cross sections of 1H, 3H, 4He and 7Li were measured by Rutherford backscattering, Neutron depth profiling and alpha spectroscopy on fullerite on Si and steel. In addition, ion transmission through a thin Carbon film was also utilized. The measured stopping cross sections follow the theoretical predictions calculated for carbon, but are systematically higher than the theoreticqal values. The observed deviation can be explained by the chemical state of effects. The measured energy straggling exceeds Bohr's value, and this is reasobably explained by the thickness variation.



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