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Report No.

Proceedings of the International Symposium NUCEF 2001; Scientific Bases for Criticality Safety, Separation Process and Waste Disposal

NUCEF 2001 Symposium Working Group

This volume contains 94 papers presented at the 3rd NUCEF International Symposium NUCEF 2001 held on October 31 - November 2, 2001, in Tokai, Japan, following the 1st symposium NUCEF'95 (Proceedings: JAERI-Conf 96-003) and the 2nd symposium NUCEF'98 (Proceedings: JAERI-Conf 99-004). The theme of this symposium was " Scientific Basis for Criticality Safety, Separation Process and Waste Disposal". The papers were presented in oral and poster sessions on following research fields: (1) Separation Process, (2) TRU Chemistry, (3) Radioactive Waste Disposal, (4) Criticality Safety.



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