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Report No.

High heat load test of CFC divertor target plate with screw tube for JT-60 superconducting modification

Masaki, Kei; Taniguchi, Masaki; Miyo, Yasuhiko; Sakurai, Shinji; Sato, Kazuyoshi; Ezato, Koichiro; Tamai, Hiroshi ; Sakasai, Akira; Matsukawa, Makoto; Ishida, Shinichi; Miya, Naoyuki

A flat carbon fiber composite tile mock-up with screw tubes, which have helical fins like a nut, was fabricated aiming at further improvement of the heat removal performance of the cost-effectively manufactured divertor target for JT-60SC (modified JT-60 as a superconducting coil tokamak). The heat removal performance of the mock-up was successfully demonstrated on the JAERI Electron Beam Irradiation Stand. The estimated heat transfer coefficient of the screw tube at the non-boiling region was roughly 3 times higher than that of the smooth tube. This corresponds to 1.5 times that of the swirl tube. A heat cycle test of 10 MW/m2 showed that the mock-up with the screw tubes could withstand for 1400 cycles. These results indicate that the divertor target plate with the flat carbon fiber composite tile and the screw tube can be a promising candidate for the JT-60SC divertor target.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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