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Report No.

Electron spectroscopy of doubly excited states in He produced by slow collisions of He$$^{2+}$$ ions with Ba atoms

Iemura, K.*; Otani, Shunsuke*; Suzuki, H.*; Takeda, Junichi*; Machida, Shuichi*; Tanabe, K.*; Takayanagi, Toshinobu*; Wakiya, K.*; Sekiguchi, M.*; Kanai, Yasuyuki*; Kitazawa, Shinichi; Tong, X. M.*; Kato, D.*; Sakaguchi, S.*; Watanabe, T.*; Currell, F. J.*

We measured ejected electron spectra caused by autoionization of doubly excited states in He atoms; the excited He was made by double electron capture of low-energy He$$^{2+}$$ ions colliding with Ba atoms. Measurements were performed by means of zero degree electron spectroscopy at projectile energies from 40 to 20 keV. Electron spectra due to autoionization from the states He(2lnl) to He+(1s) for n$$geq$$2, and those from He(3lnl) to He$$^+$$(2s or 2p) for n$$geq$$3, were observed. Line peaks in the spectra were identified by comparing observed electron spectra with those of several theoretical calculations. It was found that doubly excited states of relatively high angular momenta such as the D and F terms were conspicuously created in a quite different manner from the cases of the production of doubly excited states by the use of photon, electron, or ion impacts on neutral He atoms. Rydberg states with large n values were observed with high population in both the He(2lnl) and He(3lnl) series.



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