※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

環境試料の極微量分析に関する研究会講演報文集; 2001年11月28日, 東海研究所, 東海村

Proceedings of the Colloquium on Ultra-trace Analysis of Environmental Samples; 28 Nov. 2001, JAERI, Tokai, Japan

高井 木の実; 桜井 聡 ; 臼田 重和; 渡部 和男

Takai, Konomi; Sakurai, Satoshi; Usuda, Shigekazu; Watanabe, Kazuo


The Colloquium on Ultra-trace Analysis of Environmental Samples was held on November 28, 2001 at CLEAR (Clean Laboratory for Environmental Analysis and Research) located at JAERI Tokai Establishment. Eight presentations were made at the colloquium, covering wide area of the relevant works such as development of analytical technology, environmental sample analysis and application to the safeguards. Each presentation was followed by animated discussion. This report assembles the full papers for the presentations reported at the colloquium.



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