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Design of an anti-compton spectrometer for low-level radioactive wastes using Monte Carlo techniques

Tsutsumi, Masahiro; Oishi, Tetsuya ; Kinouchi, Nobuyuki ; Sakamoto, Ryuichi; Yoshida, Makoto

An anti-Compton spectrometer with semi-2$$pi$$ Compton suppression is designed to identify the photons emitted from low-level radioactive wastes from radioisotope usage and nuclear research laboratory. Since the objective sample is massive and large, the system has a full opening towards the sample position. The characteristics and features of the system concerning Compton suppression and reduction of the background component due to natural radioactive source are estimated by the Monte Carlo simulations. The anti-Compton technique is shown to be quite advantageous for the reduction of the surrounding natural background radiation, as well as the suppression of the background for the higher energy photons.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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