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Report No.

DEMO plant design beyond ITER

Konishi, Satoshi; Nishio, Satoshi; Tobita, Kenji; DEMO Design Team

The first fusion power plant DEMO must have some reality that ITER and other facilities in the same period are expected to prove its feasibility. The DEMO should also be so attractive and advanced that the future society would be interested in constructing based on its concept. The present DEMO plant concept intends to satisfy these antagonistic requirements assuming construction in 2030s immediately after successful completion of fundamental ITER mission. A steady tokamak is minimized to have 5.8m of major radius with 2.3GW with Q exceeds 30. Modestly ambitious plasma parameters are chosen. Technology improvement is assumed to make maximum 20 T magnet, metal first wall and super critical water cooled ITER-like blanket modules feasible. Tritium inventory is reduced to 1kg with improved safety system concept. This conceptual design identifies various technical issues that are expected to be solved by intensive R&D efforts during ITER period, and indicates a possible step immediately after ITER.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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