Application of hydrogen analysis by neutron imaging plate method to Zircaloy cladding tubes
安田 良; 仲田 祐仁; 松林 政仁 ; 原田 克也 ; 畠山 祐一; 天野 英俊
Yasuda, Ryo; Nakata, Masahito; Matsubayashi, Masahito; Harada, Katsuya; Hatakeyama, Yuichi; Amano, Hidetoshi
Neutron radiography is one of effective tools to determine hydrided region in Zircaloy cladding tubes. In this work, the practicability of the neutron radiography for hydrogen analysis is further investigated by using standard samples with known hydrogen concentration. Local hydrogen concentration in hydrided Zircaloy tube is quantitatively estimated using the standard samples by neutron imaging plate (NIP) method. The local area is equivalent to a picture element in the image; e.g., 0.1mm0.1mm. In addition, contribution of an oxide film in the tubes to the images is investigated using oxidized samples with hydrides or no hydride. In NIP images of oxidized tube no oxide film was recognized. Numerical image analysis also shows no effect of the oxide film on the image. These results show that the influence of oxygen on image contrast can be neglected when hydrogen analysis is performed on the Zircaloy tube with oxide film and hydrides by NIP method.