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Report No.

Examination applied for the ruptured pipe at the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station unit-1

Department of Hot Laboratories

In Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Unit-1 of Chubu Electric Power Company, a steam leak accident occurred with a pipe rupture. In order to investigate root cause of the pipe rupture, a task force was established within the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA). The JAERI was asked from NISA to cooperate as an independent neutral organization with NISA and perform an examination of the ruptured pipe. The JAERI examination group was formed at the Tokai Research Establishment and conducted some examinations of samples. In Dept. of Hot Laboratories, in order to respond the request of the investigation, the detailed program, various apparatuses, and technical staffs for the examinations are prepared. In this report, technical items in terms of contents of the examination, the used apparatuses, and techniques in three facilities in Dept. of Hot Laboratories (RFEF, RHL, and WASTEF) are summarized.



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